Monday, April 8, 2019

Meme Monday! Just shower thoughts

 In writing, the adage is "Write what you know." Which is understandable because how can you convey thoughts and emotions if you never experienced something like that? And then dreams happen and pull the rug out from under you.

There are a few universal dreams that we all experience and one of them is falling, especially from a high altitude. Everyone has fallen in their lives. Slipped on a patch of ice or on a puddle of water on the floor. But not many people have fallen from a high altitude and lived to tell about it. So why is falling such a shared experience? And a very specific experience of falling for a long time? I usually have enough time of falling in my dream to have the fear growing and building inside of me: the dread of anticipation of hitting the ground, the remorse of getting myself into this predicament, the flash of my life before my eyes. All this and then I quickly sit up in bed, panting, praying, and thanking God that wasn't real.

Dreams seem to hint at something greater. Something we all experience, some universal truth that's there and we don't know why. But we all can relate.

Sorry, I didn't mean to get into such deep thoughts on a Monday morning. I didn't even take a shower yet.

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