Sunday, April 14, 2019

New Post Schedule

I need to change my posting schedule again. I feel like I keep changing it, but I need to do what works for me. When I wasn't doing anything else, I could write on my blog everyday. Now that I'm taking writing more seriously and working on my novel, I feel like my blog gets in my way. Don't get me wrong; I still like blogging, but it does take time. Between work and home life and while trying to find a new job, all while reading, writing, and blogging, I only have so much time in the day. I figured that I would drop the days that I don't like that much.

Meme Monday - I won't force it if I don't have a meme for the day.

No Tweet Tuesday - Eh, I'm done. It is hard to really make a story out of tweets and it feels generic because I don't have any time to elaborate on anything.

Writing Prompt Wednesday - I'll keep. It takes a lot out of me to do these. But I feel like my writing is getting stronger by doing this every week. 

Thoughtful Thursday - I'll keep. But if I don't have any thoughts, then I won't write. I won't force it.

Featured (Favorite) Book Fridays - These will keep alternating between Featured and Favorite Book posts. I have an idea that sometimes I might break up my review/critique of the book into two parts. I want the first section to really dissect the first few chapters, and the second post will focus on the overall impressions and a more general critique.

No Saturdays - I can't think of anything for this day and Saturdays are hard to get a lot of time to write.

Spiritual Sundays - I'm definitely keeping this day!

Really, I'm just dropping Tuesdays and Saturdays. But on the other days, I don't want to feel like I HAVE to post. I don't want to force it or then I just start to resent it and it feels like a chore. I mean, it never was required of me, but when I first started this blog, I was afraid if I didn't keep on it, then I would just stop altogether. I think that fear is unfounded and now it's getting in my way of progressing as a writer. 

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