Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Writing Prompt Wednesday! No Garlic

[WP] No italian restaurant is safe. The vampire activist group is going after hate food served at restaurants.

“Welcome to Brunelleschi’s Bistro,” the server George greeted. “Dinner for two? Will your date be joining you -”

Dracula slammed down the menu, rattling the wine glasses.  George quickly adjusted the glasses and smoothed the table cloth.

“Is everything okay, sir?” George tentatively asked, trying not to stare at Dracula’s protruding white fangs.

“Garlic is in every one of these dishes! Are you trying to kill me?” Dracula accused.
“You can request it without added garlic,” he said.

“It literally says ‘garlic-infused.’” Dracula squinted his eyes. “Are you telling me that you can un-fuse garlic?”

Dracula tapped his fingers on the table as the server shuffled his feet and adjusted his apron. 

“Well, no, but I would like to offer you other choices that don’t have that particular sauce…”

“Do you prepare these foods in the same kitchen as the garlic?” 

“Yes, but we can sterilize the food prep area like we do for other allergies…”

Dracula raged. “This isn’t just an allergy; this is life or death!”

At these words, the rest of the restaurant hushed and peered at the irate vampire and the nervous server. 

George saw that they were getting an audience and tugged at his collar.

“I thought you were already dead? I mean… “ His eyes widened at the realization of his words.

Dracula stood up and pointed to the server. “See? This is what we vampires have to deal with on a daily basis. Stereotypes like this. They are hurtful and unfounded,” he proclaimed in front of the whole restaurant.

“I’m so sorry for misunderstanding,” George started to apologize.

Dracula sniffed. “I haven’t misunderstood anything!”

Another server came over to their table. “You don’t have to eat here if you don’t like the food.”

“Oh, I see how it is. You don’t want me here. Vampires aren’t allowed in Italian restaurants, is that it? We aren’t good enough, huh?”

As Dracula kept ranting, a female vampire entered the restaurant and promptly smacked Dracula upside the head.

Dracula turned around. “Ah, Vanessa! You look lovely. I was just -”

“I know exactly what you were ‘just’ doing!” she snapped. “Stop scaring people!”

“Darling! I -”

“And you know we don’t even eat food! Why do you care they are serving garlic?”

Dracula continued to protest as Vanessa grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the restaurant.

As they left, George heard Vanessa sigh, “This is why we can’t have nice things.”

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