Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thoughtful Thursday! Looking at the views

Creating this blog showed me one thing that I wasn't expecting: You really never know what is going to get people's interest. My highest view count is on the Oxford Comma of all things. I honestly feel embarrassed that I didn't write better on that post. It was such a one off thing that I didn't think much about it. I have currently 154 views on it and it keeps going up. It may not seem much to you, but in comparison to my other views, it's out of the ball park!

The other high view count is a Spiritual Sunday post, which I thought no one would care or read. I really just write those for myself, for my own spiritual writing. But apparently, my Words Are Powerful post seemed to have struck a nerve or at least made people interested because that post is only slightly less views than the Oxford Comma at 148.

Another thing I noticed was my Favorite (or Featured) Book Fridays get a fair amount of views. Not as many as Oxford Comma, which is divine, but more on average than my other posts. Again, I feel embarrassed about this because I'm not very good at reviewing/critiquing books. I feel like that's one of my weakest days, although the more that I do it, the better I get. I can tell because it doesn't feel as foreign as it did at first. At the beginning, I only wrote a little bit about the chosen book, and now I have to stop myself from writing more. I know at a certain point, it's too much. I mean, it's just a blog post. If I kept going, I would make it into a dissertation. Also, I have my novel to work on.

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