Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tweet Tuesday! A Story in Tweets

These tweets are a part of the same story. I had an idea to tell a story a little bit of a time like pieces of a puzzle. Except this puzzle is all jumbled up and there is no picture on the box. We'll see how it goes.

Tears were streaming down my face. "It's too late," I realized. The crowds cheered as the army stomped into the city as if in a parade. "Our country ends not in cries of sadness but those of joy."


Who is he? I studied him as he stood facing the window. He appeared as a shadow in the midst of the blood red sunset looming outside.

Some say a mad man. Others say a hero.

Which is the truth? 

He turned, noticed me staring, and smiled.


I nodded and took his arm.

"He's not who you think he is," the man whispered to me. "He has done terrible things."

The words pricked my skin.

"He has helped so many people in poverty," I rebutted.

The old man poignantly held my gaze with his watery pale blue eyes.

"Which people?"


"Leo," I began as we took stride down the majestic hallway.

"Quiet," he snapped, but I knew he was tense. This was a big moment for him.

We stopped in front of a grand mahogany door. Chattering inside filled the hall.

The next hour would decide the fate of our country.


As I sat down, I looked quizzically at the man on the other side of the empty chair. 

In a silent reply, his eyes squinted and his mouth slid into a grimace. 

My stomach felt heavy with dread. 

I knew then that I would never see that man again.


"Why did you kill him?"

The question hung in the air like a dark cloud as we ate our dinner. Leo continued eating as if he had not heard. The room was silent, punctured only by the clinking of silverware.

Leo delicately wiped his mouth. "Never ask me that question again."


Bright gold banners flapped in the wind. Thousands of boots stepped in time to the beat of the drums as the troops paraded through the city. Soldiers in fresh blue uniforms with shiny buttons filled the streets like a rhythmic river.

Our country was going to war.

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