Friday, February 15, 2019

Creativity takes courage - Henri Matisse

Everyone thinks that creativity is just something that you have. Like you just own it. Like you just walk around with it like a dog on a leash. And can just command it at will.

But it isn't. Creativity is finding the deepest, darkest part of you, grabbing it with your bare hands, and yanking it out kicking and screaming into the light. It hisses and bites you, but you have to take it, scrub it off, and make it presentable to the outside world. 

You have to take risks. Quiet the critical voice inside you, dig deep within yourself, and have courage to bring it out into the open where others will see it. Creativity makes you vulnerable. Because it is a part of yourself. You need to have courage.

This is my odd inspiration. Also, I like beating metaphors to death.

This is me finding my creativity. True story.

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