Monday, February 18, 2019

Meme Monday - All about healers!

Because I've played healers in World of Warcraft (WoW), this always makes me chuckle. When I first started healing dungeons, I was so nervous and afraid I would let everyone down. But after years of playing, I have zero sympathy for DPS who stand in the fire or the tank that runs ahead of everyone and pulls the whole dungeon. 

I haven't played WoW in awhile, but I always enjoyed playing my undead discipline priest. So, this gave me an idea for an odd inspiration:

Write a story about being a healer, where your job is to keep everyone alive. Maybe the story arc is that you start off being the hopeful, anxious healer who wants to heal everyone, but over time, you become cynical and refuse to heal idiots.

Or, maybe whenever you healed, you stole life from yourself? You heal people, but at what cost? The more you heal people, the closer to death that you become. You have to  choose carefully who you heal, if at all.

Okay, last idea. What about a story about necromancers, but they are misunderstood. They really are just late healers.

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