Monday, February 25, 2019

Meme Monday! Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly

Disclaimer: I know a screenshot of text is technically not a meme because there's no picture. But the definition of a meme is broadening. In this case, if I found it on Imgur, then it is a meme. Case closed.

I don't know why I get trapped in the "It has to be perfect" mindset when I write. When I draw or paint, I know I make mistakes. Sometimes, it doesn't turn out the way I want and I don't even know how to make it better. And I'm okay with that. I understand I can't be the best all the time.

But with writing, I feel like if I'm not writing a novel and I don't have everything outlined and plotted out, then I might as well not write. Ever since I was little, I wanted to write a book. I loved reading as a kid. And I always dreamed of writing a book that someone else could get lost in and be inspired by.

I have never written a novel. 

I have tried so many times. But my writing falls flat and the plot just falls apart and my characters grow stale. I guess I hope that if I have the perfect idea or the perfect plot or the perfect ending or the perfect ....

But I don't. So, then I just stop writing. How's that better? It's not. But I feel defeated.

So maybe I don't have to write the perfect novel. And maybe that's okay. Maybe I'll try to just do something poorly. A little bit of writing each weekday on my blog is better than nothing. And maybe that's true because this is the most writing I have done for a long time.

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