Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thoughtful Thursday! How I write

Yesterday took me by surprise. I had a crazy idea of making a story out of life hacks and somehow it worked! I forgot how much fun writing is. I mean, not just writing that story but my blog in general. I now look forward to writing. Who knew?

Now that I've been writing again, I've noticed a theme. Not about what I'm writing but how I write. Ideally, I would like my story to be outlined where I clearly see what's before me like a newly paved road with fresh paint and brightly lit signs. It could not be more opposite of that. 

When I'm trying to think of what to write, images slowly emerge from the dark shadows of my mind. I don't see them clearly but a few details stand out to me. And what I see, I then write. If the images don't come to me, then I have to go into the shadows and yank them out myself, hoping whatever I pull out will be good. This is not a metaphor. I'm describing real events that happen in my mind. I told you I'm odd.

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