Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Writing Prompt Wednesday! The jaded healer

Because my Meme Monday turned into an unexpected writing prompt, I decided to try it out for myself.

The writing prompt is the following:

Write a story about being a healer, where your job is to keep everyone alive. Maybe the story arc is that you start off being the hopeful, anxious healer who wants to heal everyone, but over time, you become cynical and refuse to heal idiots.


Breathing in deeply, I thought about tranquil waters and colorful sunsets. I closed my eyes to see ocean waves and warm sandy beaches. I heard the breeze rustling through the palm trees.

"Help me!"

Trying to ignore all of that, I breathed in deeply again. 

"Hey, you going to help or what?!"

Thinking of more peaceful places, I tried to calm my inner rage.

"Hey, healer, are you going to do your job?!"

My tranquil waters boiled and steamed to the surface as my anger got the better of me.

My eyes flew open. "You are all idiots!" I foamed. "I refuse to heal any of you! I told you to not fight this demon; he is too strong!" 

"And you, Rogue!" I pointed at him. "You are deliberately standing in the fire!"

He looked over at me. His bewilderment shone on his face as brightly as the flames that danced all around him.

"So? It's your job to heal me," the rogue said casually as the fire engulfed him more. "You might want to hurry up on that by the way."

My hands flew out towards him in a twisting, choking motion.

Then, a little flash of green light appeared on the rogue's body. Instantly, I looked down at my unintended protégé

"You healed him," I said matter-of-factly. "Against my wishes."

Her little face scrunched up in worried. "I don't want him to die."

I sighed, defeated. Raising my arms, I flicked my wrists toward my group, filling them with bright light that healed their wounds.

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