Saturday, February 16, 2019

Posting Schedule

I'm thinking about structuring my odd inspirations. 

Mainly because as soon as you can write whenever, whatever you want, then your mind is one big blank space and the blog just sits there gathering dust. The blogs that I use to read had a purpose. They were only about one subject matter. Well, I'm all over the place. I can't commit like that. Besides anything can be an #oddinspiration. 


I'm going to try to structure my odd inspirations by days:

  • Meme Mondays - you gotta start the week off right - with memes! Can be funny, inspiring, or personal.
  • Tweet Tuesdays - I want to do the Twitter challenge of writing a story or poem that fits into the 140 character limit.
  • Writing Prompt Wednesdays - Either I find a writing prompt, or I make up my own. Then, I write as much as I can about it. Could be a few sentences, could be a few pages.
  • Thoughtful Thursdays - I focus on something that I've been thinking about. It can be any subject matter. 
  • Photo Fridays - I take a break from writing and take a picture! It can be art that I made or an artsy photo that I take.

I always adore alliteration. In case you haven't noticed. 

I didn't include Saturdays and Sundays because I highly doubt that I would be able to post regularly on the weekends (like right now is an anomaly). 

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