Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thoughtful Thursday! Meta post

Before I sit down with my cup of coffee, I only have coffee beans. There's a procedure of grinding and brewing them before the coffee even makes it into my mug. 

It's the same for a book. Before it can be a book, it starts with letters. Then there is a process of combining letters into words and words into sentences.

But as any coffee addict knows, there is more to a good cup of coffee than just ground up beans that water passes through. There's a technique, an art to it. A book is more than the words on the pages. 

This blog is to review and analyze what makes a book good and what can make it better. I want to drink in the books, sip by sip, and take the grounds of inspiration to brew my own words.

Yep, that's my writing. From my old blog that consisted of exactly one post. I did start writing another post, but I never published it. This also doesn't count another blog that I started but I never actually wrote anything on it. It died before it even got to live.

So, what's the point of all this?

Well, here I am again, trying to write another blog. And this blog is even weirder because I don't even have a specific purpose for it, hence the "odd" part. It's just odds and ends and beginnings of stories, ideas, and thoughts. Who am I writing for? I don't know. What am I writing for? I don't know. 

I just have such a strong feeling to write. It's in my very being. And I have no idea what to write. This has been me for the past decade. I feel like I have been cursed in a very subtle way.

But the urge to write never goes away. Every time I go to write, the idea I had just flickers and fizzles out before it even gets going. And then I'm left with nothing, like the worst writer's block in the world. Every writing article is just like, "But just keep writing!" And I'm like, "I can't write if I have no thoughts, no ideas. Then it's just dead letters on a page."

So, why do I want to write? Especially since I don't know why? 

Hey, if you know the answer, please let me know. Throw me a lifesaver because I feel like I'm drowning.

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