Friday, March 1, 2019

UPDATED Post Schedule

Now that I've been writing for awhile, I want to update my posting schedule. It mostly stays the same, but I really want to add in the weekends. I'm still not positive that I will be able to do it every weekend, but I actually get sad that I don't have anything to write on Saturdays and Sundays. Like I said, I really look forward to writing. And I like having a structure to write in or else I don't know what to write.

Meme Mondays - This stays the same. I would never get rid of my memes! 

Tweet Tuesdays - I feel like this is my weakest day. Not only in terms of writing, but also it is the least viewed day on my blog. However, the 140 character limit is a hard but good challenge and I'm still writing my puzzle piece story. I will keep it for now.

Writing Prompt Wednesdays - I love this day. I'm not getting rid of it!

Thoughtful Thursdays - This is another day that I look forward to. I do want to write about other things besides writing in the future.

Photo Fridays?? Well, I don't want to take a break from writing. I want to write more. I also don't want to get rid of this completely. Maybe this will appear once in awhile when I have a good picture.

Favorite Book/Quote Friday - This will be my new Friday writing. I will write about a favorite book or quote. It can be either why I like it or something about it inspires me. My very first post on this blog was about a quote so I feel like I want to keep that up.

Song Saturday - Music definitely influences my ideas and writing. I want to pick a song and write while listening to it and just see where it takes me. It could be describing the mood of the song, inspiring a story idea, or examining the lyrics.

Spiritual Sunday - Okay, go ahead and roll your eyes at me. But I do have a spiritual side and I want to express that in writing. And it makes sense to do it on Sunday. On this day, I will do Lectio Divina, prayer with scripture. It's prayer by writing, which I find fascinating because I never knew I could do that!

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