Friday, March 15, 2019

Favorite Book Friday! Mandy by Julie Edwards

Mandy by Julie Edwards

Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards was one of my favorite books growing up. I didn't realize that this book was written by the same person who starred in Mary Poppins and Sound of Music until I looked this book up on Goodreads. 

What I really liked about this book was that the main character Mandy found this abandoned cottage in the woods. It fits with the theme because Mandy is an orphan girl who doesn't have a home for herself so she makes this cottage her home by fixing it up. It's the same reason I liked Secret Garden as well. It was about making this little secret place all your own. I think it definitely appeals to little girls, and from the comments on Goodreads, it seems like I wasn't the only one who enjoyed the simplicity of finding a place and making it your own. 

“Mandy tidied the weeds and pulled out some of the summer flowers. It saddened her to do so. She was parting with beloved friends.” 

― Julie Andrews Edwards, Mandy

“November came roaring in with gusty winds and more wet weather. Mandy's depression would not go away. Her garden seemed sad, too. It was virtually empty now, and the few brave flowers that remained there were flattened by rain, their yellows stalks sprawling in all directions. Most of the trees were bare, and the woods had a wet carpet of leaves.” 

― Julie Andrews Edwards, Mandy

These quotes give a real sense of the tone of the book. It was a slow, thoughtful book, where even little actions like pulling weeds were written with such sweet descriptions. The whole book was written this way and even just re-reading these quotes gives me a certain feeling of sweet nostalgia that I can't fully put into words.
Of course it has to have a happy ending so (SPOILERS: this book is from 1971 but SPOILERS) the cottage just happens to be on the property of this wealthy family who notices that someone is going to the cottage and tidying it up. Mandy gets sick and no one knows where to look for her except this wealthy family who rescues her from the cottage, takes care of her, and eventually adopts her.

I still have my book from when I was little. The cover is peeling and torn and cobbled together with tape. Ink has faded on parts of the pages, making it hard to read. But it still has a place on my book shelf. Hopefully, when my daughter is older, I can read it to her.

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