Thursday, March 7, 2019

Thoughtful Thursday! Why I write

I finally figured out why I wanted to write:

I want to burst your bubble, rattle your cages, shatter your world.

That's why I want to write. I see things other people don't see. I see things from a different perspective, a new point of view. I see possibilities where others see nothing.

I want my writing to make you pause and see things in a new light.

This helped me when I was going through a suicidal time as well as other dark periods of my life. Being able to see beyond just my small little hell was a light in the dark. It didn't get rid of the dark. The darkness was still there, pressing in on me. But the light made me never give up hope. I clung to it for it was all I had. A hope of the future. A hope for something more.

You just need to be able to see the way out. I see people trapped in their own bubble all the time. Caught in their own little world. Their own prison. How sad it is for people to be slaves to their own senses! They can only see what is in front of them. Nothing more. How can you have hope if you only ever see what's in front of you? There's so much more beyond the horizon. Literally a whole world, a whole universe. I want to give you a peek over the wall you have built. Don't hide behind it. I want you to see!

This. This is why I write.

I want to burst your bubble, rattle your cages, shatter your world.

I want to give you hope.

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