Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Writing Prompt Wednesday! Battle Royale For Real

In an instant the world as we know it became a video game. Every single person is level 1. A message appeared before everyone. “Kill or be killed. Last one alive will be granted the power of the gods.” Another message came up “Choose your class:knight, rouge, druid, fighter, wizard, ranger.”

The world spun and my stomach heaved. As my insides turned outward, I realized I was face-first in grass. I’m outside? I don’t even remember going out of the house. How much did I drink?

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. 

I looked over and saw this big guy whacking a dagger over and over again in a tree. Chunks of wood flew out at each stab. 

“What are you doing?” I asked groggily and slightly annoyed. 

“I have to level up my weapon skill,” he said simply and returned to his whacking. Numbers appeared in the air, increasing as he went. 

Am I still drunk? What the hell is going on?

Another guy appeared out of the trees and into the clearing where I still laid, sprawled out with empty beer bottles scattered everywhere. There was nothing memorable about him. Except for the fact he was wearing a huge black trash bag. 

Man, what a hell of a night it was for everyone. 

“What class are you?” He asked me quizzically. This new guy had the audacity to look puzzled at me, as if I was the odd one. 

“What? I’ve graduated,” I replied, still slightly out of it. 

“No,” he said sharply. “Are you a knight, rouge, druid, fighter, wizard, or ranger?” He added proudly, “I am a wizard.”

“Are you guys larping?” I suspiciously stared at him while realizing the black trash bag was a makeshift robe. I looked back at the big guy with the dagger to get a closer look at what he was wearing to only notice now that he disappeared.

Apparently, my larping comment made him mad and next thing I knew, a magic missile exploded next to me on the ground. I sprang up, making beer bottles clank together. 

Wow, that’s not a napkin with lightning bolts on it. “Hmm,” I rubbed my temples. “Okay, so I have to pick a class. Uh, I’ll be a knight. Yeah, sure, give me a sword and board.”

A wooden sword and shield appeared in my hands.

I looked at the shaddy sword.

“I think I can pick my teeth with this,” I mused as I swung it around.

The wizard, however, was not amused. He sternly pointed his staff at me. “This is to the death. Last one standing wins the power of the gods.” He said all this super serious. More serious than someone wearing a trash bag should. 

“If I wanted to play battle royale, I would be playing Fortnite,” I remarked.

He waved his staff, hurling another magic missile at me.

Oh, this is serious. I blocked his spell and promptly fell back.

“Huh?” I felt dazed.

“You are just level one. You can’t compete against me.” He boasted while I staggered back to my feet. 

“What level are you?” As I asked, a red number 5 appeared above his head.  “Oh, so how to you level up?”

He smirked. “By killing people.”

Holy fuck. My toothpick sword wasn’t going to do shit.

While I stood there freaking out, the other guy re-appeared behind the wizard and quickly stabbed him in the back.

As the wizard keeled over, the trash bag fluttered and slowly deflated as it settled on top of him like a blanket, tucking him in for his final slumber. 

“Uh, thanks,” I said finally.

“You should have picked rogue,” he only said.

“We can’t all be rogues,” I countered.

“This isn’t like a running a dungeon. Why would you pick knight?”

Maybe I didn’t think this through. I tried to ponder all this despite my hangover. “How’s this,” I proposed. “I’ll tank to distract them and you backstab them.”

I suppose he found this favorable because he nodded grimly and sheathed his dagger. A red number eleven appeared over him.

“You’re going to need to level up though,” he stated.

“Why? What’s with this ‘power of the gods?’ What does that even mean?” I asked earnestly.

He shrugged. “I’m going to get it and find out.”

I nodded. “Good plan, good plan.”

So, now I have a friend. For now. Until at the very end where he will have to kill me. Hmm, that’s not good. 

“Well, what’s the point of having the power of the gods if everyone is dead, huh?” I thought aloud. “You’ll be all alone. No one to talk to.”

He glared at me. “You just don’t want me to kill you.”

I covered myself with my hands. “It’s like you can see right through me,” I joked, pretending to be coy.

He laughed heartily and clapped his hand on my shoulder. “You’re not so bad,” He smiled wickedly. “Maybe I’ll keep you.”

“Aw, thanks.” Oh god, what does that mean?

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