Saturday, March 9, 2019

Song Saturday! Toxic by Britney Spears

I chose this song specifically because when I read Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, I remember the author referencing this song. And as soon as I read that, I thought, "Oh God, this is what she was listening to when she wrote this horrible story!" Ah, the cringe. I could clearly see it in my mind. Yes, of all things to be annoyed by in those books was that fact that she referenced this song. It has stuck with me all these years. 

So I thought, maybe I'll try my hand at writing a toxic romance.

I want to see their reactions. You really learn about a person when you see them react to something negative.

He pushed her book away. She frowned, obviously annoyed. He wanted more of a reaction.

As she reached for it, he pushed it again so hard that it fell on the floor.

Sighing, she quickly picked it up. “Why do you have to do that?” She complained.

He stared at her with dark eyes. His eyes lingered on her as she leaned over to put more books back on the shelf. 

“Because I’m dangerous,” he said finally. 

Her long blonde hair tousled as she shook her head. “What does that even mean? Are you an assassin?” She teased.

“Don’t ask questions if you don’t want to know the answers,” he replied steely. 

His tone made her pause for a moment. He saw a glint of fear in her eyes. A look he knew so well. 

Images started to seep through. A towel draped over a face, water pouring, cages with locks, screaming, begging - 

Her hand touched his shoulder. The flood of images abruptly stopped. He realized she was so close to him now. 

“What is it? What’s wrong?” She breathed as she searched his face as if she would find the answers. 

A part of him wanted to tell her. Break her innocence. See the horror on her face. Drive her away. Her face was too kind, her touch was too soft, her fragrance too sweet. 

I’m a monster, he thought. I hurt her now or I hurt her later. The only question is when. 

"Leave," he whispered hoarsely. 

"Why would I leave?" She came even closer to him. He could feel the warmth of her body.

"Don’t do this." But he only half meant it. 

"You don’t have to shut me out," she murmured. As she leaned closer, her lips touched his.

Her warm kiss was enough to melt his heart. For a time. 

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