Monday, March 4, 2019

Meme Monday! Getting older

When I watched this cartoon when I was younger, I always wondered why Squidward was miserable. Now that I have gotten older, Squidward is my spirit animal.

I think it's interesting how my perceptions have changed over the years. How I view the world, my political opinions, and even my moral values have changed. And now that I have a child, I feel like I understand my dad more. Hell, I feel like I even act  like him more. I catch myself saying things my dad always said, unironically. God help me.

I understand why I used to think the way I did. And as I'm getting older and my thinking has changed, I sometimes struggle to hold two opposing viewpoints in my mind. I guess, the reality is, nothing is simple and life doesn't operate in black and white.

I think it would be interesting to write a story about changing perceptions as you grow old and how to come to terms with it.

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