Monday, March 25, 2019

Meme Monday! Why are you like this?

I feel this meme right now. Like, this just really sums up my day. 

Okay, first, you know how I was whining that I could never write a novel? Well, no, I still haven't done so. BUT, I am now working on my outline for my novel that I am now trying to write. Yeah, sometimes I really hate myself. I have over 4,000 words. Most of them I wrote today. Is it structured or legible? Eh, you know. But I just kept writing, just trying to keep up with the spring of words pouring out of me onto the screen. It's like I can't stop. I somehow popped the cork and now I can't stop writing. I was suppose to be, oh I don't know, actually WORKING. I literally wrote five hours straight, only to stop to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. But it's amazing - exhilarating! I feel like I am finally getting somewhere. And I didn't just write scenes. I wrote out some plot points, fleshed out some characters and their motivations, and thought out my world-building (it's fantasy). But yeah, I was suppose to be working and I knew I had to stop and write on my blog, too.

But today - today is a WIN!

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