Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Writing Prompt Wednesday!

You are pulled over for seemingly no reason. The cop who pulled you over walks over to your window and asks for your license and registration. He looks terrified. He mouths to you, “help me.”

I love selling ice cream. It’s my job to have kids running towards me, screaming their lungs out, and pleading with their parents for money as if they were begging for their lives. I love it all. But not today. Today the sounds that filled the air were not ones of my musical enticement that gave the promise of cold sweets but those of sirens blaring.

Annoyed, I sighed. What did I get pulled over for? I could only imagine what microscopic thing I did wrong: Did I not make a complete stop? Did I not use a turn signal? Did I go 26 in a 25 mph zone? I couldn’t wait to find out.

The police officer got out of his car. Or should I say waddled. Oh, okay, I see why he pulled me over. Some fat guy. I bet he just wants some ice cream.

I reluctantly roll down my window as he approached.

“License and registration,” he squeaked. 

From such a big dude, this voice threw me off. I studied his face. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His eyes were wide with terror. He mouthed, “Help me.”

Wait, what? Me help him? He’s the one with the gun. What could I do? He stood there, desperation written all over his face. I couldn’t just ignore it. 

“Okay, get in. Just act natural,” I whispered, not sure what was going on, but I figured I should at least keep my voice down.

He followed my directions probably a little too well. He acted “natural” as he walked to the passenger side but only if “natural” meant in a robotic, marinenquette sort of way. Finally, he climbed in my truck and instantly started sobbing.

Wow, something is really wrong. I felt bad for making a quick judgment of him. Not knowing another way of comforting him, I reached behind me, opened the cooler, and grabbed an ice cream bar.
“Here,” I offered it to him.

Nodding in gratitude, he took it. He clutched the ice cream bar’s stick in his hands as if it was going to float away. Apparently, this helped to calm him down. He took a few deep breaths and was able to speak now. 

“It was the aliens.”

Woah, this guy is crazy. “Okay, the nuts are reserved for dessert only,” I replied. My mind was spinning a mile a minute. Is this guy psycho? Is he going to kill me? Or are there really aliens? I felt like the first two scenarios were the most likely to happen.

“No, I’m serious. They took my partner,” he explained. “The aliens abducted him. You have to help me!”

I had no idea what to say, but I didn’t have a chance to say anything. Suddenly, the sky grew dark like an eclipse occurred. 

“Oh, God, they’re here!” He exclaimed. Holding the ice cream bar close to his chest, he rocked back and forth in the seat. 

Dread filled my body. This guy wasn’t lying. Looking up, I saw a huge flying saucer hovering above us, about fifty feet up. The center of the ship opened and a huge light shone down on us. I felt the truck being lifted as we ascended into the sky.

First, the police officer pulled me over and now this.

Maybe the aliens want some ice cream, too.

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