Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thoughtful Thursday! The devil is in the details

I have a (bad?) habit of omitting lots of details. I have explained in a previous Thoughtful Thursday that I write what I see. So, if I don't see any details, then it's not important. Then it's just fluff. And I realize that I hate fluff. Sometimes, I don't even describe the setting or characters. But if it doesn't matter in the context of the story, then why does it matter at all? But I don't know if it's right. Maybe I'm not describing enough.

I realize that I hate when I read these loooong descriptions of people or places or whatever. I feel like it interfers with the story. And I'm not going to remember every little detail. I can't hold all that information in my head while following along with the plot. It's just not how my mind works. I much rather have those important few details interspersed throughout the story, highlighting them at their most crucial moments.

At the same time, I need to work on details. That's what I tried to do in yesterday's post. I'm trying to incorporate more detail into the story in a meaningful way. It is hard though. For me, writing descriptions is the most agonizing part. It's a struggle to make details interesting. 

You can't just say, "He was tall." You have to say it in a more creative way so that people will want to read it. It's more like, "He slowly stood up, carefully making sure to not bump his head on the ceiling. Even then, his hair brushed up against it." Yeah, something like that. So many words to get across one simple point.

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